Next meeting with educational “beginning of a speech”
Our next meeting will have 3 exciting speeches and also an educational speech. For those of you who don’t know, educationals are an 10-15 minutes speech which is emphasizing one special aspect of a speech in general (e.g. the end, the topic, or the structure) The speaker will explain the theory of this aspect and […]
Officer Training for Toastmasters – recommendable for all members
A Tostmasters Officer Training: always an adventure. The officers of Area I1-I3 met last Saturday at Kulturzentrum Hasenbergl in Munich. What a gorgeous meeting. To tell it with the Words of Stefan Kagerer, President of the Munich Business Speakers: “A lot of positive energy floated the room and lots of takeaways could be shared. The […]
Harvard Business manager und die Toastmasters
Harvard Business manager berichtet in der August-Ausgabe über die Trainingsmöglichkeiten, die Manager in Toastmasters-Clubs haben. Dabei widmet der Autor Ingmar Höhmann den Munich Business Speakers auch einen Absatz . Das ist schön, danke an Ingmar Höhmann und an Harvard Business manager! Jawohl, der englisch-deutsche Club Munich Business Speakers ist darauf spezialisert, die rednerischen Fähigkeiten von Managern und […]
Educational included! See us on August 15th
An Educational often is one of the most interesting speaches in Toastmasters Clubs. Come to the next meeting of Munich Business Speakers. … on Thursday, 15th August 2013 … at 7 p.m … in our Meeting-Location: Freiraum, Saarstraße 5 (1st floor), Munich, nearby the Underground-Station Hohenzollernplatz! Educational and More Our fellow toastmaster and VP Education Bernhard […]